The GE DS200DPCAG1ADC is a Power Connect Board manufactured by GE Industrial Systems for the Mark V Series.
It is manufactured by GE Industrial Systems and is used in a variety of industrial applications, including:
- Power generation
- Oil and gas
- Petrochemical
- Pulp and paper
- Metals
The DS200DPCAG1ADC is a critical component of the Mark V control system. It provides the following functions:
- Input/output (I/O) processing
- Communication with other Mark V components
- Power distribution
Here are some of the key features of the GE DS200DPCAG1ADC:
- Supports a wide range of I/O modules
- Provides high-speed communication with other Mark V components
- Has a redundant power supply for added reliability
- Meets the latest safety standards

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GE DS200DPCAG1ADB Power Connect Board guaranteed quality
GE DS200DPCBG1A Power Connect Card Assembly guaranteed quality