ABB UFC721AE 3BHB002916R0001 voltage measurement scale card:
General Information:
- Manufacturer: ABB
- Model: UFC721AE
- Order Number: 3BHB002916R0001
- Function: Voltage measurement scale card
- Application: Typically used in ABB protection relays or measurement devices
Key Features (based on available information):
- Voltage measurement ranges: Likely configurable for various voltage levels, but specific ranges require confirmation from ABB documentation.
- Accuracy: Expected to meet high accuracy standards for voltage measurement, but precise specifications need to be verified.
- Input signal type: Likely accepts AC voltage signals, but compatibility with other signal types should be checked.
- Output signal type: May provide analog or digital output signals for voltage measurement data, depending on device configuration.
- Communication interfaces: May support communication with other devices or systems for data transmission and control.

If you need detailed technical information, please feel free to contact us.
If you have any questions about how to quote, or if you have any questions about your quote;
Please feel free to contact us, we are happy to assist you.
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